dependencies {
The http4k-connect OpenAI integration provides: - OpenAI API Client - Plugin SDK for developing OpenAI plugins - FakeOpenAI server which can be used as testing harness for either API Client or OpenAI plugins
OpenAI API connector¶
The OpenAI connector provides the following Actions:
- GetModels
- ChatCompletion
- CreateEmbeddings
- GenerateImage
New actions can be created easily using the same transport.
The client APIs utilise the OpenAI API Key (Bearer Auth). There is no reflection used anywhere in the library, so this is perfect for deploying to a Serverless function.
Example usage¶
const val USE_REAL_CLIENT = false
fun main() {
// we can connect to the real service or the fake (drop in replacement)
val http: HttpHandler = if (USE_REAL_CLIENT) JavaHttpClient() else FakeOpenAI()
// create a client
val client = OpenAI.Http(OpenAIToken.of("foobar"), http.debug())
// all operations return a Result monad of the API type
val result: Result<Models, RemoteFailure> = client
Other examples can be found here.
OpenAI Plugin SDK¶
The OpenAPI Plugin SDK provides APIs to simply write OpenAI compliant plugins with the minimum of fuss. Simply
use the openAiPlugin()
function to compose your function, adding the configuration for the authorization and
the contract endpoints which expose the API to OpenAI.
The following plugin types are supported: - Service - the Plugin developer provides credentials to the OpenAI UI which are used for auth. No personalisation of responses is possible. - User - the OpenAI user provides credentials to the OpenAI UI which are used for auth. Prinicpals are tracked so the API responses can be personalised. - OAuth - users login to the Plugin application using an AuthorizationCode grant and an experience defined by the Plugin developer.
The SDK provides all features required by the OpenAI platform: - A manifest endpoint for the plugin, with all of the required configuration - An OpenAPI specification endpoint for OpenAI to interrogate your API - Security on the API endpoints as defined on construction. Supported auth methods are: - Basic Auth - Bearer Auth - OAuth (Authorization flow) - with security endpoints.
Plugins are just HttpHandlers
and as such can be mixed into existing applications or started alone. Example:
apiVersion = "1.0",
humanDescription = "addressbook" to "my great plugin",
pluginUrl = Uri.of("http://localhost:9000"),
contactEmail = Email.of("foo@bar"),
PluginAuthToken.Basic("realm") { it: Credentials -> it == credentials }
Path.of("foo") / Path.of("bar") meta {
summary = "A great api endpoint"
} bindContract GET to
{ foo, bar ->
{ _: Request -> Response(OK).with(<Message>().toLens() of Message("hello $foo $bar")) }
The FakeOpenAI server also provides support for running plugins locally and interacting with them as "installed" in the fake.
There is a full working example of how to create and deploy plugins in the examples repository.
Fake OpenAI Server¶
The Fake OpenAI provides the below actions and can be spun up as a server, meaning it is perfect for using in test environments without using up valuable request tokens!
- GetModels
- ChatCompletion
- GenerateImage
The Fake server endpoints are secured with a BearerToken header, but the value is not checked for anything other than presence.
Image generation¶
Image generation also can be set to either URL or base-64 data return. In the case of URLs, the Fake also doubles as a webserver for serving the images (so you can request an image and then load it from the server). Resolution PNG images of 256x/512x/1024x are supported.
Generation of responses¶
By default, a random LoremIpsum generator creates chat completion responses for the Fake. This behaviour can be
overridden to generate custom response formats (eg. structured responses) if required. To do so, create instances of
the ChatCompletionGenerator
interface and return as appropriate.
Running plugins in the FakeOpenAI¶
http4k-connect OpenAI Plugins can be run locally and also "installed" into the FakeOpenAI. To install a plugin,
pass the configured PluginIntegration
instances into the fake at construction time. The FakeOpenAI will then
use the configuration to negotiate the connection to the plugin. Both the Fake and the Plugin should be running
on different local ports.
plugins = arrayOf(
BearerAuth("openai api key"),
To test the Plugin locally, start and browse to the FakeOpenAI instance. The list of installed plugins will be displayed and can be clicked through to an authenticated OpenAPI UI which can be used to interact with the exposed Plugin API.
Default Fake port: 45674¶
To start: